
Excerpt from the ‘Followers of Christ forgive one another’Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School, October 28–November 3, 2019: 1

“Followers of Christ forgive one another.

Before you start a discussion about the Epistle to Philemon, you might ask a class member to share some information about Philemon and his servant Onesimus (there is a brief description in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Then you could divide your class into two groups and give each group one of the following questions: What similarities do you see between what Paul was willing to do for Onesimus and what the Savior willingly did for us? While it was likely hard for Philemon to forgive his slave who ran away, how would the gospel of Jesus Christ have made forgiveness easier? After the groups share what they learned, consider inviting class members to share scripture passages or experiences that have helped them to better understand forgiveness. Elder Kevin R. Duncan’s message in “Additional Resources” may help with this discussion.”

Additional study


1 Followers of Christ forgive one another’Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School, October 28–November 3, 2019 –