Perverted Individuals

Excerpt from a September 30, 1959 BYU devotional talk by BYU President Ernest L. Wilkinson:1 

“The Dean of Students and his staff take care of the relatively few case involving more serious offenses, such as cases of immorality, other sex offenses, and other serious crimes or sins. In this respect, may I say that degrading motion pictures, a great loosening of society’s standards, and unfortunately in some cases life in the armed services, have resulted in a serious increase of homosexual practices in our society. In a student body of 10,000 members we can probably expect to have a few of these perverted individuals. The Dean of Students have been given instructions this year that students who engage in any practices of this kind will not be tolerated on this campus.”


1 September 30, 1959 BYU devotional talk by BYU President Ernest L. Wilkinson (Begins at the ~34:05 mark) –