Depopulate a Nation

Principles to Govern Possible Public Statement on Legislation Affecting Rights of Homosexuals’ - LDS Apostle Dallin H. Oaks

Excerpt from ‘Principles to Govern Possible Public Statement on Legislation Affecting Rights of Homosexuals’ – LDS Apostle Dallin H. Oaks, August 7, 1984: 1

One generation of homosexual “marriages” would depopulate a nation, and, if sufficiently widespread, would extinguish its people. Our marriage laws should not abet national suicide.

In summary, and for the reason discussed above, I recommend that the Church:

(1) Tailor is communications on this subject to take account of the formal difference between the condition or tendency of so-called homosexual persons on the one hand and the homosexual practices on the other.

(2) Take no position on laws changing the extent to which there are greater criminal penalties for homosexual behavior than for illicit heterosexual behavior.

(3) Oppose job discrimination laws protecting homosexuals, unless such law contain exceptions permitting employers to exclude homosexuals from employment that involves teaching of or other intimate association with young people.

(4) Take no position on laws barring other types of discrimination against homosexuals, unless there is a secular basis (persuasive public policy) to justify such discrimination.

(5) vigorously oppose the legalization of homosexual marriages.’



1 Principles to Govern Possible Public Statement on Legislation Affecting Rights of Homosexuals. –