
Excerpt from a 1981 booklet addressing ‘Homosexuality’, published as a guide to be used for local leaders when working with homosexual members: 1

Pg. 4

“Members with homosexual problems often feel trapped and alone and believe that change is impossible … Despair prompts feelings of hopelessness, and hopelessness, combined with the burden of unresolved sin and guilt, may lead an individual to contemplate or attempt suicide. Repentance and the Lord’s spirit can lift him from the thoughts of suicide to peace of mind.”

Pg. 5

“Ask him to read President Kimball’s book, The Miracle of Forgiveness. (Chapter 6 deals specifically with homosexuality, but the entire book should be read.)”


Excerpt from the Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball: 2

David O. McKay has pleaded:
… Your virtue is worth more than your life. Please, young folk, preserve your virtue even if you lose
your lives. Do not tamper with sin … do not permit yourselves to be led into temptation. Conduct
yourselves seemly and with due regard, particularly you young boys, to the sanctity of womanhood. Do
not pollute it.



1 Homosexuality, Second Edition (LDS Manual) –
2 The Miracle of Forgiveness –