*Stuff You Missed in Sunday School began in 2016, creating informative, easily digestible tidbits about Mormonism. *Stuff you never learned in church.
The formula is simple. In a religion saturated with commentary and opinion, we offer factual information, in a sharable card format. This isn’t anti-Mormon, it’s Mormonism without the makeup. Unfiltered and uncorrelated.
This site is *Stuff You Missed in Sunday School as a collection of memes. A play on words and an insinuation that it’s your fault you don’t know these things already. You simply missed them…
Gaslighting at its finest blames the victim for not knowing what was never presented. These topics were not things you “missed”. They were strategically hidden from us so as to not damage our faith. Sunday school lessons and every message from the church is marketed material that has been calculated to be faith-promoting only. Sadly, much of the truth then is left out because it is not faith-promoting. This site is then an unfiltered look into the LDS Mormon narrative. No white-washed history, hand-picked stories, propaganda, or gaslighting.
If you have thoughts, comments, corrections or even suggestions please contact us. Please spread the word about *Stuff You Missed in Sunday School too.
The site is run by a team of folks dedicated to transparent truth.
We acknowledge and are grateful to Craig Stapley who started this whole shindig and has been gracious enough to pass the torch to those willing to carry it for a while.
Some resources for those who may be surprised by what you are now learning about the church:
- wasmormon.org: Previous member profiles with stories about why they left the church. Join and tell your own.
- Mormon Stories Podcast: Podcast about Mormon stories.
- CES Letter: Compilation of issues into a letter to a CES director.
- Mormon Think
- Mormon Spectrum: Site organizing groups on a Mormon spectrum.
- Mormon Primer: Explaining in one place the big picture issues and why they matter.
Listen to our presentation at the 2018 Sunstone conference.

Session 162. The Memeing of Mormonism: ‘Stuff You Missed in Sunday School’
“The truth will cut its own way.” —Joseph Smith.
Stuff You Missed in Sunday School is a 2017 Brodie-award-winning advocacy platform that takes the complexities of Mormonism and distills them into bite-sized chunks, one meme at a time. How does SYMISS use social media in tandem with design and marketing principles as advocacy tools?
Nice things people say about us:
“This is pure hate you spread!!! Repent, lest he be damned to hail! I dust my flip flops off in your general direction! ????”
—J. S.
“Your posts are the best. Seriously. The memes are shareable, and you back them up with sources, quotes, and links. Super useful when people try to say “that was never taught.”
—T. C.
“Thank you for your steady research and hard work. You’ve taught me a lot that I never would have found on my own. I am full of gratitude for this page.”
—J. T.
“Like always great work. I think your website, memes and activism is some of the best in the exmormon community”
—A. G.
“Well holy crap.”
“When I first began to doubt, these comparisons blew me away. To me they were irrefutable proof that the Book of Mormon was a fraud and a copycat. I showed them to my spouse and family members and they completely shrugged it off. Unbelievable! Thanks!”
—G. S.
“I appreciate you u/missedinsunday ! I always enjoy your posts.”
—G. L.
“Goddamn I love your stuff, u/missedinsunday.”
—D. X.
“Thanks for the meme. You always come through.”
—Z. J.
“I just had my faith crisis about 2 1/2 months ago and I’ve done tons of reading (CES Letter, Letter For My Wife, Church Essays, etc) and I just stumbled upon your website. It’s perfect! Not only do you provide everything in it’s own context, without comment or judgement, but the memes are super easy ways to get a huge issue brought up. It’s brilliant! Thank you and keep up the good work!”
—D. S.
“Thank you for your research. I’ve heard of 19th century influences in the BofM but had no examples. Cheers!”
—T. N.
“Thank you. I’ve read through your site. I plan to show it to my husband one day. I love the fact you let the evidence speak for itself. So simple and clear.”
—P. W. D.
“Love these! Keep it coming this conference weekend!”
—W. S.